How to build the perfect event security plan


Security has never been more important at events than it is today, with a terrifying rise in the number of terror attacks at popular events and in crowded areas.

It is such a horrifying thought to think that your event could be the next one to be targeted that it is easy to dismiss the idea as impossible, but the threat is very real and being prepared for the worst possible outcome is the key to running a safe and secure event.

Every week, it seems, we hear of horrific incidents taking place at festivals, concerts, and other public events around the world. Terror is only one potential threat to the safety of attendees at an event, however, and putting together a suitable event security plan that mitigates as much risk as possible is an absolute must for any responsible event planner.

A security risk assessment will identify the most likely threats to security at your event based on the number of attendees, the nature of the event, the venue, and a variety of other factors. Crowd control, parking, staff training, CCTV, security guards, and stewarding are just some of the considerations that will be included in such an assessment, most effective when conducted by a professional event security company.

Putting measures in place to keep a site secure, such as CCTV towers, security guards, and more is all very good, but will only work if they are placed in the right locations and in sufficient number to handle an incident that does take place.

In this article we will look at some of the most important aspects of creating and implementing a highly effective event security strategy.

event security


Communication between you, the venue, your staff (both security and otherwise), and any additional staff you bring in from an outside source, is the key to implementing a successful security plan.

Having multiple groups on site, all with their own individual instructions and unaware of each other’s roles is a recipe for chaos and could lead to a critical breakdown in security if the worst was to happen.

When creating a security plan, it is crucial you work alongside outside agencies such as professional SIA licenced security companies and the emergency services, as well as briefing your own staff and any that will be provided by the venue.

If you have additional external contractors coming in on the day, caterers for example, make sure to provide them with a copy of the emergency response plan and evacuation strategy so that they are not left in the dark.

One single misunderstanding or breakdown in communication when it comes to event security can have devastating consequences so it is of the upmost importance that you ensure everyone involved is on the same page.


Certain security technologies and infrastructure should be deployed at your event, if not already in place at the venue, to ensure the smooth running of the event on the day.

Something as simple as barrier fencing can keep the crowd under control and manageable, whilst CCTV will allow you to keep an eye across the entire event from a single location, making it easy to spot and deal with any problems as they arise. If CCTV is not already installed at the venue, CCTV towers are a great choice for event security as they can be installed and removed again at a moment’s notice. Whilst this technology makes monitoring your event that bit easier, you still need the personnel on site with the skills and knowledge to deal with any incidents that are identified. SIA licenced security guards, for example, are trained in crowd management, First Aid, and conflict resolution, all invaluable skills to have during a major event.

Pay particular attention to perimeters, entry points, and any other potentially vulnerable areas that may be at an increased risk.

Working with the professionals

Hiring a professional local security firm to handle the security for your event will take a huge amount of the pressure and stress away from you, allowing you to focus on running a successful occasion safe in the knowledge that the safety of your guests is in the best possible hands.

These firms handle big events on a regular basis and will be able to conduct a far more effective risk assessment than would ever be possible by the untrained eye. They also have all the technology and equipment that you could possibly need at their fingerprints, saving you the chore of tracking down each individual aspect of your security individually, and have close connections with the police and other emergency services.

With them by your side, the chances of anything going wrong at your event is low, but it is still reassuring to know that they are there if it does.
